For this episode of Ask an Expert, Tharmella Nyahoza sits down with us on Southern Methodist University's campus to talk about her expertise and experience as an actress and to tell us about her upcoming performance in Hurt Village. Hurt Village is a play telling the story of a young girl and aspiring rapper named Cookie and her story living in a housing project in Memphis, Tennessee. Nyahoza is proud to be making history by staring in the first all-black cast production by SMU Meadows, the fine arts school within Southern Methodist University. As she expresses her love for storytelling, Nyahoza tells us her story of when and how her acting career began all the way to how her upcoming most recent performance has lead to one of the most memorable moments in her acting career. Tune in to hear more about Tharmella Nyahoza, her story, and the October 2021 performance of Hurt Village. Click on the link below to listen.